We are delighted to advise that the NSW Government recently announced significant cuts to caravan and camper trailer registration costs in NSW to take effect from 1 November this year.
The Association has long been advocating to cut registration fees to bring costs in NSW more in line with other states, and we are delighted that the Government has listened and taken action.
Towed caravans and purpose-built camper trailers will be eligible for the 40 per cent reduction in motor vehicle tax. Registration costs in NSW include an annual fee of $65 plus the motor vehicle tax which is based on the tare weight of the caravan or camper trailer.
According to the recent NSW government announcement, the reduction in motor vehicle tax will apply to privately registered caravans and purpose-built camper trailers weighing up to 4.5 tonnes, and will deliver savings of up to $471.
This outcome is a wonderful example of what can be achieved through strong, committed and continued advocacy by an industry association.
This is great news for our industry and the large and ever-growing caravanning community of NSW.
Click here to view the NSW Government media release
Source: CCIA NSW