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Stephen’s Experience with Brass Monkey Fridges

Stephen, a regular customer from our North Lakes store, couldn’t say enough to endorse the quality and performance of the Brass Monkey Fridge Range. In his impromptu testimonial he describes the rigorous conditions they endured during their recent trip and is genuinely blown away by the fridge never missing a beat unlike others’ fridges on […]

Manoeuvre Your Caravan Into the Exact Parking Position

E-Go QuicKEY Caravan Mover

This clever caravan mover enables you to manoeuvre your caravan via remote control to hitch, de-hitch or park the caravan into exact parking position. It does this with a pair of powerful, high torque, 12V electric motors attached to the chassis by a bracket, and solid friction rollers that drive the wheels on the caravan. […]

Brass Monkey Super Efficient Ice Boxes

Brass Monkey Icebox

If you like your beer ice cold (who doesn’t?!) and your fishing catch kept fresh on ice then you’ll need an Esky you can depend on. These super efficient ice boxes from Road Tech Marine are durable and boast a high level of thermal insulation to get the most out of that expensive bag of […]

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